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** Are you looking for personalised feedback and support from an experienced coach? 

** Do you have a brilliant idea for a new business that can create an impact?  

** Do you want to learn how to grow your business with proven strategies and tools? 

If you answered YES to any of these 

questions, this is your opportunity!

Learn More About Me...

Avril standing with her phone.

Coach. Motivator. Trainer.

Hey, I'm Avril

I help people achieve their goals and make a difference in the lives of those they serve. I'm a coach, motivator and trainer with unique ability to connect and inspire. I share practical wisdom from my journey so you can learn from them and grow.

Whether you want to improve yourself, take action or make money from brilliant ideas. I'm here to support you.

Want to know more about how I can help you? FIRST...

Get To Know Me

I know how challenging it can be to start and run a successful business.

When you possess a vision, it's natural to encounter doubts, fears, and obstacles along the way.

That's where I come in - I am here to provide the inspiration, relatability, motivation, and support that you need to navigate your unique journey.

How I Can Assist


A lady standing in front of a tree with green leaves, wearing a beige t-shirt and smiling.

Avril is one special kind of coach! Someone who is present and takes time to listen intently to my story. She has helped me grow personally, emotionally and within my career. And map out the future you want to live in.

Eden Michelle 

Small Biz Owner

A man with his face int the shadow, wearing a purple shirt and a black watch, standing in front of a greenery background.

Over the past three years Avril has coached me through tough times and some of the best moments, helping me navigate like a compass on a ship helping me explore the seven seas and consistently guiding me to my true cause.

Lance Botha

Starter - prenuer

An infographic explaining the entrepreneurial journey with a woman holding a sign and a road with four milestones.

Get Your Own Experience

You would need a proven roadmap if you answered yes to any of the questions at the top of the page.

One that will help you plan and execute your business ideas clearly and confidently.

The good news is that I have one.

Here are some of the elements of my roadmap.

  • Purpose and goal driven coaching can help you identify your strengths, passion and value and guide you to overcome your challenges and fears. 

  • Revisiting your Biz Concept, what offer, strategies and how to align can help you communicate your idea clearly and test your viability.

  • Learn at your own pace with bite -sized content covering idea generation topics, marketing, sales, and more that can help you monetise your ideas confidently.

Learn More

@2023 Avril Fortuin Training Services